- Compatible XF Versions
- XenForo 2.3
- Updates duration
- This will get updated, when we get the updated version.
- Requires Payment
- No
- Payment Processing
- Payments can be made by PayPal Invoice, Stripe or Crypto.
Blocks access to Contact us, Log in and Register pages from specified countries.
When a user from a blocked country clicks the Contact us, Log in or Register link, they are shown an error message.
(Example of options page)
(Example of error message)
(Example of Country access check link)
(Example of Country access check page)
By default this add-on will use the ipapi.com to get the location from the users IP address. However using the API is not as reliable as using the GeoIp2 library. Here is a link which explains how to install the GeoIp2 library.
Go to options page and enter the country codes you want to block. Or if you prefer you can enter the country codes which you allow.
Viewing which countries were blocked:
Click the Country access check link in the visitor menu. Must be an admin to see this link.
Database changes:
A table called andy_country_access_check is created in your database.
Blocks access to Contact us, Log in and Register pages from specified countries.
When a user from a blocked country clicks the Contact us, Log in or Register link, they are shown an error message.
(Example of options page)
(Example of error message)
(Example of Country access check link)
(Example of Country access check page)
- All phrases start with countryaccesscheck_ for your convenience.
By default this add-on will use the ipapi.com to get the location from the users IP address. However using the API is not as reliable as using the GeoIp2 library. Here is a link which explains how to install the GeoIp2 library.
Go to options page and enter the country codes you want to block. Or if you prefer you can enter the country codes which you allow.
Viewing which countries were blocked:
Click the Country access check link in the visitor menu. Must be an admin to see this link.
Database changes:
A table called andy_country_access_check is created in your database.