This add-on is not affiliated with XenForo Ltd.
Calendar, as the name suggests, is a full-fledged calendar and events management system.
Calendar, as the name suggests, is a full-fledged calendar and events management system.
- Allow users to create new events in configurable 'calendars'. Custom permissions allow you greater control over who can see a event.
- Calendars can be customised so different calendars can have different coloured events, for example.
- Optional agenda-based layouts.
- Style properties available to fine-tune Calendar appearance.
- Support for featured events that display above the calendar.
- Event creation that fully controlled by the permission system.
- Support for all-day events and multiple day ones too.
- Support for recurring events and a number of options to fine tune how often they recur.
- Support for RSVP with limited and unlimited number of attendees.
- Users are then able to view a guest list of who is attending, might be attending and not attending.
- Users that RSVP or watch events will be notified when key event details change.
- Attendees can be reminded when an event start date is approaching.
- Ability to view a list of attendees and non-attendees.
- Users are able to invite others to RSVP to events.
- Users are able to add events to their own personal calendar apps via .ICS files.
- Events can generate associated discussion threads on creation.
- Locations can be attached to events, letting you pull in mapping information from Google's APIs.
- If enabled, locations can be auto-completed using Google's Places API.
- Events can be filtered based on location and how far away they are.
- Custom fields are fully integrated within the add-on letting you capture custom data for different Calendars and display the data in a variety of locations.
- Integration with XenForo core functionality.
- End users receive alerts and emails when others RSVP to their events with appropriate opt-outs.
- Support for content tagging.
- Support for content watching.
- Support for attachments.
- Support for inline moderation.
- Supprt for moderation queue and moderated events.
- Ability to search for events based on criteria.