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XenForo 2.2 Styles

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We have now released our XDerium for xenforo2, comes with 5 colors
Trixerium is our 3rd Flat Theme Pack made for xenforo2 c0mes with 5 colors
Ixerius is our 4th Flat Theme Pack made for xenforo2, comes with 4 colors
Our first beautiful 5 colors Flat Themes for Xenforo 2
Dark Xderium is our one of our coolest Flat Theme design made for xenforo2 comes with 5 dark colors
Dark Ixerius is our most unique Flat Theme design made for xenforo2 comes with 4 dark colors
Modern theme focused around a background picker which applies a single background image throughout
illuminate (dark) is a minimal, modern theme for xenforo 2
Dimension (dark) is a minimalistic theme for xenforo with a unique header effect
The distinctive feature is its parallax background image which blurs once the page is scrolled
Innovate is a powerful and multi-purpose theme for XenForo
Innovate dark is a powerful and multi-purpose theme for XenForo
Vice Dark is style for people who like to show something more on their forums than just empty nodes
Vice is style for people who like to show something more on their forums than just empty nodes
A versatile and visually appealing XenForo theme designed primarily for gaming communities
A versatile and visually appealing XenForo theme designed primarily for gaming communities
Oldschool way to display content. No default xenforo widget sidebar
Tagon is style for people who like to show something more on their forums than just empty nodes
Great theme for all fans of RolePlay games/servers
Great theme for all fans of RolePlay games/servers
Rain style is for people who want to try something more then just a dark theme
With PARK theme you can make your forum look modern and elegant