- Compatible XF Versions
- XenForo 2.2 and XenForo 2.3
- Updates duration
- This will get updated, when we get the updated version.
- Requires Payment
- No
- Payment Processing
- Payments can be made by PayPal Invoice, Stripe or Crypto.
Allows changing the register date for individual user.
(Example of Change user register date overlay)
All phrases start with changeuserregisterdate_ for your convenience.
How to use:
Add changeuserregisterdate to your forum URL.
Questions and answers:
Q: Who can use this add-on?
A: You must be an admin to use this add-on.
Allows changing the register date for individual user.
(Example of Change user register date overlay)
All phrases start with changeuserregisterdate_ for your convenience.
How to use:
Add changeuserregisterdate to your forum URL.
Questions and answers:
Q: Who can use this add-on?
A: You must be an admin to use this add-on.