- Compatible XF Versions
- XenForo 2.3
- Updates duration
- This will get updated, when we get the updated version.
- Requires Payment
- Yes
- Payment Processing
- Payments can be made by PayPal Invoice, Stripe or Crypto.
If you’d like to boost registrations and deter guests viewing all your content use this add-on.
If you'd like to BOOST paying memberships by blurring certain forums, forcing users to upgrade, this is the add-on for you!
Select the number of posts that will blurred per page, or choose to blur all posts for chosen forums and threads.
** BLURRrr DEMO HERE ** (any thread within that specific forum will be Blurred)
Users will need to register or log in to view blurred posts.
Features include:
If you'd like to BOOST paying memberships by blurring certain forums, forcing users to upgrade, this is the add-on for you!
Select the number of posts that will blurred per page, or choose to blur all posts for chosen forums and threads.
** BLURRrr DEMO HERE ** (any thread within that specific forum will be Blurred)
Users will need to register or log in to view blurred posts.
Features include:
- Blurred text appears 100% identical to actual post text
- But it's actually illegible and unreadable when viewing source or "inspecting"
- You can enable or disable obfuscating text by user and guests
- Set the number of posts visible per page (or blur every post)
- Target Articles and Question threads
- Fade text on X number of paragraphs of text or fully blur
- Ability to ignore stickies
- Ability to ignore forums
- Ability to specifically include thread_id’s, even if the forum falls under ignored forums
- Ability to trigger the registration overlay automatically
- Ability to set a message above each blurred post
- Ability to cloak for bots and crawlers (recommended)
- This is not mandatory and the blurred text can be shown to Google/Search engines if you wish
- NEW: Choose your implementation:
- Guests Only
- Users Only
- Guests & Users
- NEW: Lightweight database tracking system implemented
- NEW: Statistics automatically added to XF stats system
- Tracks blur thread views, blur guest registrations, blur user upgrades
- NEW: Moved notices to an actual template that allows variables and regular HTML (User mode only)
- NEW: 4 permission groups added for (permissions for [User] or [Guests & Users] mode only)
- (perm) unblur posts
- (perm) unblur stickies
- (perm) unblur X posts
- (perm) unblur X paragraphs
- Installer sets default options so that all users see 'unblurred' posts (including guests)
- Please understand xenforo permission system and set as needed BEFORE enabling the AddOn
- NEW: Options for notice placement (Users System)
- NEW: Option to remove common actions from blurred forums (reply, like, create, etc) (user mode only)
- NEW: Performance improved by extracting posts directly versus itering to find them
- NEW: Option to toggle obfuscating post text for guests
- NEW: Option to toggle obfuscating post text for users
- NEW: Option to choose whether to remove images when post is blurred
- NEW: Option to prevent users masquerading as crawlers to avoid blur
- All language in phrases
- Supports multilingual translation