- Compatible XF Versions
- XenForo 2.2 and XenForo 2.3
- Updates duration
- This will get updated, when we get the updated version.
- Requires Payment
- No
- Payment Processing
- Payments can be made by PayPal Invoice, Stripe or Crypto.
Core AddOn which from now on, (nearly) all my AddOns will require.
Besides Icon handling and Assset Upload some other minor thing that I share between my AddOns.
Mostly this is related to Font Awesome handling. See Edit Option Group as Demo.
Also see pictures whats inside.
New Resource Icon like this resource has, means, it needs this Core Addon.
Besides Icon handling and Assset Upload some other minor thing that I share between my AddOns.
Mostly this is related to Font Awesome handling. See Edit Option Group as Demo.
Also see pictures whats inside.
New Resource Icon like this resource has, means, it needs this Core Addon.
- Template for FontAwesome Icon Chooser with menu
- Template for Asset Upload incl. preview
- Templates to use both functions in options and style
- Templates and a trait for creating a tabbed index
- .less functionality to use the FA Icon in .less files
- some related style and options
- central opacity setting (at least for all cv6 AddOns)
- Setup Traits
- js Dependency handler