- Compatible XF Versions
- XenForo 2.3
- Updates duration
- This will get updated, when we get the updated version.
- Requires Payment
- Yes
- Payment Processing
- Payments can be made by PayPal Invoice, Stripe or Crypto.
Using this add-on, you can edit any user from ACP, and simply using a checkbox mark the user as Verified.
You can also let users ask for a verification badge and manage their requests.
Verified users will have a badge next to their username (left OR right, based on your choice in the add-on's options) all around the site (even in 3rd party add-ons' pages)
You can also let users ask for a verification badge and manage their requests.
Verified users will have a badge next to their username (left OR right, based on your choice in the add-on's options) all around the site (even in 3rd party add-ons' pages)
- Location of the Badge (left OR right)
- Maximum item attachment file size (KB)
- Maximum attachments per request
- Allowed request attachment file extensions
- Requests Per Page
- Badge
- User requested verification badge at least x times
- User requested verification badge no more than x times
- Manage Verification Badge Requests
- Request Verification Badge
- Max Verification Badge Request per user
- Upload attachments to Verification Badge Request
- View own Verification Badge Request
- Edit own Requests
- Users will see an option to ask for verification badge, in their profile
- Each user can ask for verification badge x times (user group permission)
- Users can write a comment and attach files while requesting verification badge
- Moderators can reject, accept, or close the requests (approving a request will automatically close all other requests by that user if the user had permission to submit more than 1 request)
- The accepted request will mark the user as verified and the user will get verification badge automatically
- Rejected requests will lose their verification badge (in the case when another moderator manually granted them the badge while you were checking their request)
- Usergroup permissions are added to fully control this feature (permission to request, number of requests, attach files to request, edit request, and manage requests)
- Ability to control the number of times each user can request the badge
- 2 User Criteria (User requested at least x times, user-requested no more than x times)
- User alerts for request status change
- User's account info/details in request page ("Verification Badge Requests Count" will also show user's all requests)