- Compatible XF Versions
- XenForo 2.3
- Updates duration
- This will get updated, when we get the updated version.
- Requires Payment
- Yes
- Payment Processing
- Payments can be made by PayPal Invoice, Stripe or Crypto.
RM Marketplace allows you and/or your users to sell resources from the resource manager, like in a marketplace !
NOW supporting xF Payment profiles since V5.0.0.
Supports three types of products :
Through the Resource Categories configuration system, the administrator select which categories are intended for the sale of resources and the type of products that can be put for sale among the ones here above.
Each of these categories can be set to either:
When adding a resource to these categories, your users can then select wether or not they want to sell it or not.
Along with the capability to sell resources, RM Marketplace is also a true source of monetization for you, and that thanks to two features:
General features
Resource list extension
Resource view extension
Payment solutions
Coupons code
Physical Product specificities:
Digital Product specificities
Service offer specificities
Resource featuring features
Seller Dashboard features
Member stats
User criteria
Fully configurable through options
Extensive set of permissions
RM Marketplace allows you and/or your users to sell resources from the resource manager, like in a marketplace !
NOW supporting xF Payment profiles since V5.0.0.
Supports three types of products :
- Digital products (license based):
- with or without license renewal
- with or without licence restrictions
- with or without url required to download
- Physical products
- Service offers
Through the Resource Categories configuration system, the administrator select which categories are intended for the sale of resources and the type of products that can be put for sale among the ones here above.
Each of these categories can be set to either:
- use the paypal address or xF payment profiles set in the admincp through options;
- use the paypal address or xF payment profiles set for that category;
- let each user input their own paypal address or xF payment profiles to sell their resources.
When adding a resource to these categories, your users can then select wether or not they want to sell it or not.
Along with the capability to sell resources, RM Marketplace is also a true source of monetization for you, and that thanks to two features:
- You can require a percentage on sales, automatically retrieved upon payment (for paypal payments only) or automatically invoiced every month (for xF payment profiles).
- You can provide users with the capability to pay to have their resource featured on the resource manager index and categories pages.
General features
- Outstanding marketplace or shop solution, either
- Source of monetization thanks to configurable percentage on sales retrieval, configured either globally or per category, as well as optional resource featuring sale.
- Fully configurable through numerous options
- Extensive rights tweaking through permissions
- Fine sale capability configuration per category:
- Let user ask for purchases on a per resource basis (user choice)
- Use category wide purchases (Admin choice)
- Use forum wide purchases (Admin choice)
- Category based allowed products configuration :
Select which products can be put for sale in each category. You can even select wether free products are authorized.
- Supported currencies: Based on Resources Manager currencies configuration
- New pages for buyers (with filtering): Your Purchases / Your Licences
- Seller Dashboard: a specific tabbed area for sellers to monitor and manage sales
- Users can download the resource directly after purchase
- One-click checkout form
- Various payment methods
- DLC definition with parent/child resources definition to limit child resources purchase to parent's resource purchasers
- Discounts feature
- Coupons code feature
- Possibility to purchase more than one quantity of an item
- Capability to purchase a digital products for a friend
- Optional display of purchases number/sales number/total sales amount in membercard and profile page
- Various notifications:
- Mails sent upon purchases or refund to the buyer, as well as in case of license status change
- Alert sent upon purchases or refund to the seller
- License expiration notification
- Terms and Conditions: require acceptance of the terms and conditions to buy
- New widgets: Top Purchases/Last sales
- Identification of seller and buyers in resource thread as well as capability to restrict thread access to buyers only
- Optionally activable invoicing system with PDF generation
Resource list extension
- Price display on resources list
- New filter "Top purchased"
- Configurable prefixes
- To identify product types (digital/physical/service)
- To identify out-of-stock products
- Optional grid view activation to replace list view for cleaner product display
- Based on image uploaded by the seller
- Configurable globally or per category
Resource view extension
- More informations on product in sidebar (Resources Manager)
- Default xF download button replaced by purchase button
- Purchase button replaced by "Register now and purchase" for non logged-in users
Payment solutions
- Option 1 (historical): Custom Paypal solution
- Configured from admin (global/category) or front-end side
- Direct percentage on sales retrieval through parallel payments
- Option 2: xF Payment profiles
- Configured from admin or front-end side
- Safe encryption of payment configuration input by user from front-end side
- Monthly invoiced percentage on sale retrieval
- Automatic monthly invoice generation for percentage on sales payment with email/alerts notifications
- Invoices page in admincp with set of tools to contact sellers
- Invoices page on front-end side for sellers
- Supported payment methods:
- Admin side configured: Any
- Front-end side configured: Paypal, Braintree, Stripe, 2Checkout, Coinbase Commerce Integration, Mollie, BTCPay, DBTech Stripe Checkout, PayTR Virtual Pos iFrame API. Get in touch with us to add support for more existing payment profiles if any.
- In both options: Manual payment (for cash, check...) with automatic conversation creation between buyer and seller to converge for exchanges on the payment processing details.
- Created from seller's dashboard
- Fully configurable:
- Title
- Applicability: All products (if authorized to manage all sales), All seller's products, Specific products
- Discount amount: either in percent or fixed amount
- Time period
- Applicability to license renewals (digital products)
Coupons code
- Created from seller's dashboard
- Fully configurable:
- Title
- Code
- Type: Free product, percentage discount, fixed discount.
- Applicability: Purchases, Renewals, Both.
- Validity: All products (if authorized to manage all sales), All seller's products, Specific products
- Time period
- Number of authorized usages per user
- Users restriction
- Usergroups restriction
Physical Product specificities:
- Sale configuration:
- Payment info (Paypal address)
- Currency
- Price
- Quantity
- Shipping costs
- Terms and Conditions (with WYSIWYG editor)
- Shipment information, the status can be edited by the seller and shipment data such as a tracking url can be added.
- Stock quantity management
- Quantity configured on add/edit
- Option to select wether product shall continue to be sold when running out of stock
- Alert sent to seller when product runs out of stock
Digital Product specificities
- Sale configuration:
- Payment info (Paypal address)
- Licence duration (Day/month/year)
- Currency
- Price
- Renewal price
- Renewal delay
- Allow renewal after license has expired
- Restriction (Yes = single copy / No = multiple copies)
- Require url (requires the buyer to set a domain to download the product)
- Automatic license key generation
- Terms and Conditions (with WYSIWYG editor)
- Capability to purchase for a friend
- Manage Licence from dashboard or user profile
- Activate / deactivate the licence
- Expiration date
- Site url (enter the domain where the product will be installed)
- Domain validity checking
- Add license directly from resource view menu
- Alert or/and email sent upon license expiration to the holder
Service offer specificities
- Sale configuration:
- Payment info (Paypal address)
- Currency
- Price
- Terms and Conditions (with WYSIWYG editor)
Resource featuring features
- Available durations created through dedicated page in admincp with:
- Duration in days, weeks, months or years
- Amount
- Purchase of featuring by user on resource page
- Featuring purchases log on dedicated page in admincp
Seller Dashboard features
- Direct access page for seller to manage sales, view statistics, view products, manage licenses, configure marketplace features, ...
- Statistics tab - Helps you analyse in details the sales of your products for a given period
- Display of various statistics:
- Number of sales
- Gross income
- Fees (if any)
- Percentage on sales (if any)
- Graphical overview of the sales evolution on the period
- Graphical overview of the net/gross income evolution on the period
- Highly configurable:
- Either choose among pre-define time periods: current/previous week/month/quarter/year
- Or select from/to through calendar popups
- Filter by sales type (all/purchase/renewal)
- Filter by currency
In case of multiple currencies selecting all will only display statistics on the number of sales. - Filter by resource
When filtered on a single resource, the number of updates performed on the resource is displayed as well on the number of sales graphical overview.
- Display of various statistics:
- Configuration tab - Lets sellers configure various marketplace features
- Terms and Conditions - Global Terms and Conditions for all seller products. Can be overwritten per product when creating/editing the resource.
- Invoicing (optional) - Allows seller to configure name or company name, address, upload a logo and add any additional info to display on the invoices. Invoices generation can be activated/deactivated through this page.
- Communication - Allows seller to select the communication mean(s) (email, conversation or both) to be used for buyer's notification (permission based) and/or customize the title/text of the purchase/purchase refund/renewal/renewal refund notifications title/text.
- Payment data tab - Allows the seller to configure his paypal address (custom paypal solution) or his payment profiles (xF payment profile solution).
- Discounts tab - Allows the seller to manage his products' discounts.
- Coupons tab - Allows the seller to manage his products' coupons.
- Sales tab - Shows all the sales you have done, ordered by latest ones with capability to filter them per user and/or per resource and/or per sales type (all/purchase/renewal) and/or purchase status and/or per shipment status and/or per date. From this page you can manually delete purchases or validate a pending purchase as well as export a sales log in .xlsx or csv format.
- Products tab - Shows all the products you have for sale on the forum
- Licences tab - View all the licenses for your digital products with the capability to filter them per user and/or per resource and/or per license status (all/active/expired) in order to edit them or transfer license from an user to another
- For user with the right to, capability to configure the dashboard to show only information about own products or all thanks to a simple toggle control
- Last sales/Top sales widgets configured by default to display on that page.
Member stats
- Most sales
- Most purchases
- Highest total sales amount
User criteria
- Purchases
- Sales
- Total sales amount
Fully configurable through options
- Extensively configurable through clean tabbed layout options list
- General options
- Grid view layout activation on all pages/index
- Number of purchases/licenses per page
- Minimum resource price
- Percentage on sales (if configured globally)
- Definition of usergroup to which move users on purchase
- Hide update logs from users that haven't purchased the resource
- Number of update logs per page for paid resources
- Paid resources update logs order
- Payment
- Payment processing method selection (Custom Paypal solution/xF payment profiles)
- Custom paypal solution method configuration
- Testing mode activation
- Paypal address for categories using global payment configuration or for percentage on sale if configured globally
- xF payment profiles method configuration
- Payment profiles for categories using global payment configuration
- Authorized payment providers solution
- Unpaid monthly invoices delay after which seller's sales are put on hold
- Unpaid purchases automatic pruning delay
- Licenses
- Domain verification method selection and blacklist for digital products
- License expiration alert mean selection (alert/email/both/none)
- Invoicing
- Invoicing system activation
- Invoices language selection
- Invoice date/time format
- Statistics
- Default currency
- Default stats type
- Display of purchases/sales/sales amount in user profile/member card
- Resources featuring
- Purchase currency
- Selection to moderate all resource featuring payments
- Resource prefixes
- Prefix selection for digital/physical/service resources
- Prefix selection for out-of-stock resources
Extensive set of permissions
- General permissions
- Is a seller
- Configure buyers notification means
- Customize buyers notifications content
- Activate automatic serial key generation
- General moderator permissions
- View all sales
- Manage all licenses
- Resource permissions
- Buy resources
- Buy for a friend (digital products)
- Download all (digital products)
- Sell resources
- Maximum number of resources for sale
- Accept other payment means (manual agreement)
- Bypass percentage on sale
- Buy featuring
- Resource moderator permissions
- Edit any sale
- View all purchases logs
- View all updates logs
- [NEW 5.6.0] View paid resources downloads count
- [NEW 5.6.0] View paid resources purchases count