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XenForo 2.3 Addons

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D.C Style - Widgets 1.1.5 Patch Level 3
D.C Style - Thumbnail 1.0.5 Patch Level 6
A fully featured product/license manager add-on for XenForo which will allow you to sell products.
Have you ever searched for a simple sale/classifieds solution allowing your user to sell their stuff
Allow you to add discount codes for your user upgrades.
Do you run a music review or discussion site? Always copying and pasting information from TheAudioDB
Allows uploading of files larger that your PHP's Upload Max Filesize via chunking
Get your members to verify their email address is valid before they register
Easily allow your administrators and moderators to ban users from the front-end
Do you run a Television show review or discussion site? Always copying and pasting information from
Import your existing forum into XenForo