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XenForo 2.3 Addons

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Display favicons for links posted on your forum.
  • Featured
Generate codes for members to invite others to your forum
Grants your forum the full power of Stripe, allowing all payment options Stripe offers.
Add last post date below the thread title on thread view. It will show as Latest activity.
This add-on allows creating predefined report reasons.
Add a watermark to any images added to your forum
[Wutime] Force Custom User Field Completion after Registration or Login v2.0.0
[DigitalPoint] Better Google Analytics 1.1.2
A collection of improvements to XF's Enhanced Search and some for XenForo's default MySQL search
[XTR] Reputation System - Reputation Point System 1.0.4
[XTR] Unlimited Prefix Styles 1.0.2